WORCESTER, Mass. — Reaction to President Joe Biden's decision has been swift on all levels of politics, including with the local delegation.

As we continue to hear reactions on Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race, Massachusetts representatives who spend a lot of time working in Washington are adding to the list of those who are applauding the president.

Rep. Richard Neal released a statement, saying in part, “Governing is not easy, but Joe Biden dedicated his life’s work  to improving the lives of all Americans and ensuring we live up to our nation’s creed. His success weighs heavily on a grateful nation, and I will forever remain among his biggest fans. Thank you, Mr. President.”

Sen. Ed Markey wrote at length about Biden's record, saying, "It has been hard work, and there is more to do, but under the leadership of President Biden we are meeting the great challenges of our times. President Joe Biden has an unmatched record in modern U.S. history, and I am forever grateful for his service and friendship.”   

We'll also start to see more and more people announce who they're supporting now as the democratic nominee.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren called Biden's presidency "transformational" on X, formerly known as Twitter, and put out a video to back Vice President Kamala Harris in the race.

"I'm endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris because she's ready to step up, bring our party together, and win in November," Warren said at to begin the video.

And while Rep. Jim McGovern's statement is also largely about what the Biden administration has done, his statement says in part, "I’m proud to support Vice President Kamala Harris moving forward. As Vice President, she has stood up for women's rights and worked to represent America’s interests on the world stage. She is proven, she is experienced, and she will unite this country and be an incredible leader.”

Right now, it's still unclear what Vice President Harris' path to the party's nomination will look like, but there's not much time with the Democratic National Convention set to begin on August 19.

Full statements below.

Rep. Richard Neal:

“Joe Biden has been the most consequential president in the modern era. In just three and a half years, he transformed the nation from the suffering and stagnancy of the pandemic to putting the people first and powering an economy that is now the envy of the world. The American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPs and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and so many more, will go down as historic pieces of legislation. He rebuilt the world’s strongest economy by investing in the American worker, made unprecedented investments in our nation’s infrastructure and our efforts to tackle the climate crisis, lowered prescription drug prices and health care costs for millions of Americans, enacted the first gun safety law in 30 years, and expanded care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances.

“Governing is not easy, but Joe Biden dedicated his life’s work to improving the lives of all Americans and ensuring we live up to our nation’s creed. His success weighs heavily on a grateful nation, and I will forever remain among his biggest fans. Thank you, Mr. President.”

Sen. Ed Markey:

“From reunifying NATO, to passing the largest climate investment in our nation’s history, President Joe Biden has helped save democracy and the planet,” said Senator Markey.

“When confronted with a coronavirus pandemic that was taking lives and livelihoods, President Biden passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan and infused billions of dollars into our small businesses and cities and towns, ramped up vaccine production, and ensured that our hospitals and health care workers had the resources they needed. 

“When confronted with crumbling roads, bridges, highways, and a reimagining of a 21st century transportation system, President Biden passed the $1 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the single largest investment in repairing and reconstructing our nation’s bridges since the construction of the interstate highway system and the largest federal investment in public transit in history. 

“When confronted with a judicial system tainted by two stolen Supreme Court seats and a Trump-stacked court system, President Biden got more than 200 federal judges confirmed so far—the most of any president in their first term since the Ronald Reagan, and twice as many as Trump appointed during his first year.  

“His administration already has created more than 15 million jobs, including the largest year of job growth in American history. He rejoined the Paris climate agreement. He paused federal executions. He finally made lynching a federal crime. He ended the ban on openly transgender people serving in our military. He ensured that the first over-the-counter birth control pills hit American stores this year. He increased small business loans by 45 percent and directed 35 percent of all microloans to Black businesses. He pardoned all prior federal offenses of marijuana possession. He enshrined marriage equality for same-sex and interracial couples. He forgave student debt for five million Americans. And together, we made Juneteenth a national holiday. 

“It has been hard work, and there is more to do, but under the leadership of President Biden we are meeting the great challenges of our times. President Joe Biden has an unmatched record in modern U.S. history, and I am forever grateful for his service and friendship.” 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren:

“Joe Biden’s presidency has been transformational. He accomplished more in the past four years — to bring back jobs, stand up to big corporations, and build an economy that works for all of us — than we have been able to get done in the last forty. He deserves full credit for beating Donald Trump in 2020, and his selfless decision today gives us our best shot at doing it again in 2024. While Donald Trump tried to tear down our democracy to maintain his grip on power, Joe Biden willingly stepped aside in order to protect our democracy. President Biden’s selfless action is a profound gift to the people of the United States - and it’s on all of us not to waste it.

“I endorse Kamala Harris for President. She is a proven fighter who has been a national leader in safeguarding consumers and protecting access to abortion. As a former prosecutor, she can press a forceful case against allowing Donald Trump to regain the White House. We have many talented people in our party, but Vice President Harris is the person who was chosen by the voters to succeed Joe Biden if needed.  She can unite our party, take on Donald Trump, and win in November.”

Rep. Jim McGovern:

“Joe Biden has cemented his legacy as one of the most consequential presidents in my lifetime and in American history. He promised to restore the soul of our nation, and he delivered on that promise—bringing us back from the brink of authoritarianism, rebuilding our economy after a global pandemic, and repairing our standing in the world as a beacon of freedom and hope.

“Look at his record: he passed the largest infrastructure bill in a generation, the largest climate bill in world history, and the most significant gun safety legislation in decades—all while creating more jobs in a single term than any other president ever. He has focused on bettering the lives of the American people—heeding my call for a second White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health that has led to groundbreaking, transformational changes in our local, state, and federal work to end hunger and improve nutrition.

“Just as importantly, President Biden is a selfless, honorable, decent man who has led with humility, grace, and integrity. His decision to pass the torch to a new generation is a historic act of incredible patriotism. He put our country ahead of himself—something Donald Trump has never done and is incapable of doing.

“I’m proud to support Vice President Kamala Harris moving forward. As Attorney General of California, she stood with those who had nowhere left to turn, prosecuting sex offenders and victims of for-profit college scams. As a Senator, she championed legislation to fight hunger and combat the climate crisis. As Vice President, she has stood up for women's rights and worked to represent America’s interests on the world stage. She is proven, she is experienced, and she will unite this country and be an incredible leader.”