WORCESTER, Mass. – Bancroft Tower rests off the beaten path in Worcester. The city's Parks Division assistant commissioner provided Spectrum News 1 an exclusive inside look at the historic site.

What You Need To Know

  • Bancroft Tower is a 56-foot tower built in 1900 in Salisbury Park to honor George Bancroft

  • Bancroft was a Worcester native politician, statesman and writer. He served as secretary of the Navy and was a founder of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis

  • Stephen Salisbury III built the tower in honor of his father's friend for $15,000. Salisbury III became a member of the Worcester Parks Commission.

  • The property was left to the Worcester Art Museum, which, in turn, presented it to the city in 1912

From the top of the castle-like structure known as Bancroft Tower, visitors can see just about all of Worcester.

“Bancroft Tower is a structure located in Salisbury Park, named after Stephen Salisbury, who donated the parcel as well as Institute Park, to the Worcester Art Museum that then donated it to the city of Worcester," Robert Antonelli said. "They built this tower as a monument to him and to George Bancroft.”

Bancroft is a Worcester native who was among those who established the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis.

Built in 1900, the 56-foot tower is made of boulders, cobblestones and granite. Most of the stones are believed to have been found around the city.

As you make your way up the stairs, you’ll pass by small sitting nooks and different small artistic details built into the tower.

The tower was open to the general public until the 1980's. Now, you need to obtain a permit through the city to check out the inside.

Antonelli said it’s still a popular spot for special photos and people interested in the view.

“The view is fabulous. Again, you can see Holy Cross right over this way, right there," Antonelli said from a vantage point on the tower. "On that end of it, the trees have really grown up, which affects the vista component, but it's a very important part of our climate concerns as well, with making sure we have enough tree coverage to really address the heat resiliency functions on that.”

Antonelli said the city works periodically to maintain and preserve Bancroft Tower, and its neighbors help maintain the grounds as well.

“This is a really historic component of the city of Worcester," Antonelli said, "and we don't want anything to happen to it.”

What is the Bancroft Tower to you?

“For me, Bancroft Tower is that is that iconic location in the city of Worcester that not many people know about in that it's not on a main thoroughfare," Antonelli said. "You have to go up through a couple of neighborhoods on either side to sort of get here, which really makes it sort of this iconic looking place to be able to go.”

The city encourages people to go take a look at the tower between opening hours.

More information about Bancroft Tower, George Bancroft and Stephen Salisbury can be found on the city's website and at The Worcester Historical Museum.