PITTSFIELD, Mass. — City Council on Tuesday night approved the final budget of almost $216 million but it came with a cut of $200,000 to the Pittsfield Public Schools budget.
The budget passed 10-1 with an amendment from the City Council to reduce the Pittsfield schools budget by $200,000.
The amendment was first discussed back on May 30, but it’s still not known what will be impacted by the reduction in funds.
“I think that that’s part of my concerns for the reduction is that there has been no conversation to date as to where those reductions will take place, so the City Council had met an informal session as the committee of the whole and the school committee has not yet met to engage in that conversation,” said Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti.
The Pittsfield School Committee will meet Wednesday night to discuss what they may do.
The chair of the Pittsfield School Committee, Bill Cameron, told Spectrum News 1 in a statement before the meeting:
“The School Committee will work with the figure the Council appropriated in order to ensure the best education we can provide for the students we serve. The Committee values greatly the dedication, expertise of every employee who serves Pittsfield's children and young people. We will do our best to support in every way possible the increasingly challenging work our teachers, support personnel, and administrators do on behalf of our community.”