MARLBOROUGH, Mass. — Two members of the governor’s cabinet toured Assabet Valley Technical High School on Monday to see how grant money was put to use there.
Education Secretary Patrick Tutwiler and Labor and Workforce Development Secretary Lauren Jones visited the school’s cosmetology, web design and h-vac labs.
The state's Skills Capital Grants helped pay for these instructional spaces.
Skills Grants allow high schools, community colleges and career tech ed schools to buy and install industry grade equipment, which they said will upgrade students learning experience.
"It's important for students, first and foremost, because we believe that this creates opportunities that they really want,” said Secretary Tutwiler. “To connect the dots between what they're learning in school and a career interest that they might have."
"In-demand occupations that we know need to be filled today and also for the future, so working with schools to provide this kind of exposure and hands-on learning is so critical,” said Jones.
The state on Monday announced $15 million in Skills Capital Grants for 65 education institutions.
Since 2015, 538 Skills Capital Grants totaling more than $200 million have been awarded.