WORCESTER, Mass. — Worcester native Bob Rousseau has spent 61 years at Vernon Hill Park, at the baseball and softball fields, as a little league player, coach, administrator and, for the last 20 years, as the manager of the softball field.

Rousseau spends hours every day raking the field, lining it, making sure it shines for all the teams that play on it, from Little League to the St. Paul varsity softball team.

On Sunday, the city held a celebration to officially name the field Bob Rousseau Field. Rousseau got the key to the city from the mayor and several people spoke about Bob's impact on the field and all the teams that play there.

It was a special night for Rousseau and his family.

"Sunday was just a crazy special day," said Rousseau. "I didn't sleep the night before. Just to have all these people here, everyone was here for the ceremony. My brother came from the Cape; my sister came up from North Carolina; we had an umpire that now lives in Tennessee and she even drove up from Tennessee just to be here for this tribute to me, and that means a lot. My pride is when the kids come off the bus and they go, 'Wow, are we playing here?' People say it's the best field in Worcester and maybe even the state, and that makes me feel really good."