BOYLSTON, Mass. – Wednesday's rain didn't stop members of Veterans Inc., from teeing off for its annual Best Ball Charity Golf Tournament at Cyprian Keyes Golf Club. 

The event began with a splash as a bucket of golf balls rained down from a lift above. Each ball was sold as part of a raffle to help raise money for veterans and their families. 

"We're able to provide so many critical and essential services to veterans and their families from the support that we get, not only from people that come out and golf today, but also from all of our partners that have supported this endeavor," said Ray Carville, public affairs manager for Veterans Inc. 

Although everyone had been hoping for a sunny day on the golf course, plenty of people still came out to show their support. 

"Regardless of what the weather is like, we have folks that have been coming back year after year," Carville said. "This is the 27th year we've hosted this charity golf tournament to raise money for veterans and their families, and we just couldn't be more excited." 

Among other services, the money raised from the tournament will help support veterans and their families with individualized treatment plans, counseling, employment training and placement, health and wellness programs, services uniquely tailored to post-9/11 veterans and programs for women veterans caring for dependent children. 

Next month, Veterans Inc. will host its annual Stand Down, which helps connect veterans with assistance programs, free clothing, food, health and wellness experts and other services. For more information, visit their website