PITTSFIELD, Mass. – Arbor Day is a celebration of trees planted, maintained and preserved throughout the country.

Many communities across Massachusetts are celebrating this week. Pittsfield Mayor Peter Marchetti announced April 26 as Arbor Day this year.

The city planted an American Elm tree in honor of the late Robert L. Presutti, a Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) volunteer who was an active member of the community known for planting and maintaining trees around the area.

“Although I do not know how many trees Bob maintained and cared for in his lifetime, or how many trees he planted in his lifetime, I know that the health benefits that they provide to the local biodiversity will live on for many years to come. Therefore, he is with us always,” said RSVP Director Lisa Torrey.

The tree is planted in front of the Berkshire Athenaeum, and will grow out in Presutti’s memory.

The city will also have another celebration in his honor on Sunday, when it will dedicate a bench and another tree at Springside Park.