PITTSFIELD, Mass. - When you come to Onota Lake at Burbank Park, you may notice a new installation in front of the water.

This is the new Onota Lake Toy Library.

What You Need To Know

  • The Onota Lake Toy Library was built by Wahconah Regional High School senior Alexandra Bills

  • Toys can be donated by contacting  Alexandra at 413-441-9050 or alexandrabills1@gmail.com

  • The toy library will have an official unveiling on April 17 for a celebrate spring beach party

The library made its way to the park last Saturday. The box was made by Wahconah Regional High School senior Alexandra Bills. 

"I wanted to benefit the community because I’m a resident of Pittsfield and I live on Onota Lake," she said. "I’ve been here for a couple years, and I always clean up garbage at the lake and I wanted to create something to help the people of the beach and have kids have fun.”

This library is for her national honors project in school. With help from donations, Bills built the box with her dad, pointing out the project has come in handy with skills from her wood shopping class. 

"LP Adams, the lumber, they donated the materials to me, and my dad and I built it in the garage over the winter. It definitely was a longer process, and we had some difficulty along the way," Bills said. "I got the paint donated from Greylock Investment Group and the signs by RSI Signs and we built it, and I painted it a couple days ago, and here it is now."

Bills planned for the box to withstand the weather and safety for kids in mind.

“We tried to slant the roof to help rainfall and so kids don’t hurt themselves if they want to jump or climb on this, which I hope they don’t do," Bills said.

Bills says lots of toys can go in the box: toy trucks, items for making sandc astles, even balls and frisbees. 

"I hope that all the kids have fun and to always use these and to please put them back so that other kids can enjoy them as well," she said.

If you would like to donate to the toy library, you can drop it off in the box or you can contact Alexandra at 413-441-9050 or alexandrabills1@gmail.com.

The toy library will have an official unveiling on April 17 for a celebrate spring beach party.