WORCESTER, Mass. - Senior Helpers of Worcester is holding a "Dear Seniors" Valentine's Day card drive ahead of the holiday next week.

Members of the community are asked to make a Valentine's Day card for a local senior filled with a kind message. Senior Helpers will collect the cards and hand-deliver them on Feb. 14.

Rosca Sasu, owner of Senior Helpers of Worcester, said it's all about spreading love and joy to seniors who may be feeling lonely or isolated. 

"This Valentine's Day we want to put a smile on the faces of seniors and also be able to combat the loneliness and isolation epidemic in this country, and this is the way Senior Helpers is trying to give back to the community," Sasu said. "What we said was this is a time we are going to give back to the hearts that have loved the most. Initially we said we wanted to reach 500 seniors, so we are collecting 500 cards, but now with everything trickling in we will take more.”

They've already collected about 350 cards. Cards can be dropped off at their office at 405 Grove Street in Worcester by Feb. 12.