WORCESTER, Mass. - City and state officials celebrated the opening of an electric vehicle charging station in Worcester Tuesday.

Energy company Global Partners turned on the two chargers at the Xtramart on Providence Street. They're not far from the station's traditional gas and diesel pumps.

The state's Department of Environmental Protection says emissions from transportation is responsible for almost 40% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the air. Global Partners CEO Eric Slifka said this is part of the company's movement to go more towards renewable energy sources.

"What I would say is as we transition our energy sources, Global plans on moving its business into those alternative energy sources,” Slifka said. “Whether they're electric or whether they're renewable liquid fuels, we think we have a role to play because we have the physical assets that can deliver on that convenience for people as they're driving their cars."

"Electric vehicle charging stations like this are a huge part of our decarbonization plan,” said DEP commissioner Bonnie Heiple. “The governor has promised to get one million electric vehicles on the road by 2023. We recognize that in order to do that, we need to make it convenient and accessible for people to charge and feel comfortable that they can go about their day in a clean reliable vehicle."

Global Partners took part in the state's electric vehicle incentive and National Grid’s electric vehicle charging station make-ready programs. Both provided incentives to help with the project.