EGREMONT, Mass. - Ari Zorn calls the work being done to the dam at Smiley’s Pond “epic." He said filling in the holes will help animals he has noticed getting stuck on the rocks, and many dying, attempting to cross into the pond.

“I stepped down into this pond about four years ago, I saw turtles drowning," Zorn said. "It brought to my attention that this turtle ramp that was in was not doing what it was intended to do.”

Zorn started the Friend’s of Smiley’s Pond Facebook page to raise awareness. He also worked with an environmental engineer hired by MassDOT to create a plan for the dam.

Zorn said connecting to organizations, documenting facts and 25 years of research led to the permanent solution.

“So, he gave me a call and actually, within about a week, we pulled in MassDOT, Fish and Wildlife and some other state agencies,” said state Rep. Smitty Pignatelli.

Pignatelli said protecting the natural beauty of Massachusetts is critical.

“My hat goes off to the different agencies that really stepped up and were willing to try something new, think outside the box and listen to a guy like Ari Zorn that may have an idea that no one else thought of," Pignatelli said. "And it turned out that that’s the case. Ari deserves all the credit”

Zorn said Smiley’s Pond has 33 endangered animals and plants and is deemed an area of critical environmental concern by the state. He said the modification to the dam could have a larger impact beyond Berkshire County.

"We have to protect the planet that we live on; and that's why I'm here," Zorn said. “This dam is a role model dam and this project for the state. So, what this means is if this turtle crossing - and I should say critter crossing, because other creatures use it. If it works and we have proof that it works, it will be implemented in the state that has failing dams and bridges and this will be implemented. If it works even better than that, it'll be implemented nationwide."