WORCESTER, Mass. - The City of Worcester presented its third annual Paul J. Moosey employee of the year award Monday.

The Department of Public Works and Parks recognizes an employee for outstanding service each year, and this year's winner is maintenance director Scott Morin.

Morin was described by his colleagues, who nominated him for the honor, as someone who goes above and beyond his duties, who has an eagerness to help and as someone who shows a high level of commitment to the job.

"And I know there's probably many of you deserving of this award,” said City Manager Eric Batista at Monday’s award ceremony. “But Scott, I've had the privilege of working with Scott at some of the events here, particularly here in the common, from festival of lights and many other activities, and he embodies that role of making sure that he rolls up his sleeves and does good work and is always thinking creatively and innovatively to do things."

The award was established in 2020 after the death of former DPW Commissioner Paul Moosey, who served the city for more than 36 years.

The ceremony coincides with National Public Works Week, which raises awareness and reminds people of the crucial role public works plays in the quality of life of all communities, according to the American Public Works Association.