WORCESTER, Mass. - The Worcester area spent Tuesday afternoon cleaning up from the largest snowfall of the year so far, and there could be more on the way later this week. 

What You Need To Know

  • Worcester is cleaning up from Tuesday's snowfall

  • The Worcester DPW reminds residents to be aware of parking bans

  • Forecasters are keeping an eye on the potential for more snow later this week

  • Local hardware stores said the weather has kept them busy

The Worcester Department of Public Works and Parks is making sure they're ready for the return to winter as usual. Commissioner Jay Fink said it's important is to be prepared, whether his crew is adjusting to changing conditions the day of a snow event or looking down the road to what might come next.

“What do we need as far as equipment, what do we need as far as reordering salt and other materials?" Fink said. "If equipment went down, how fast would I need to get that back up and running? It may mean shuffling things, it may mean not doing what the standard practice or procedure is just so we make sure those roads are passable.”

In a winter that’s seen snowfall well short of the region’s average, Fink also offered some reminders for folks who may have forgotten how to make cleanup as smooth as possible for everyone.

"I would remind folks that until the snow stops, we have a parking ban in effect so don’t put the car out and say ‘It must have stopped, I haven’t seen a snow plow come by in an hour," Fink said. "They’re still out there, and if your parked car is impeding the snowplow, police are out there, you’ll get a ticket and you’ll be towed.”

And if you’re shoveling, Fink said you can also help the plows and other passing drivers by making sure you’re not giving them a new obstacle.

“It is against city ordinance to push snow back in the street," Fink said. "If I turn that snowblower and put the snow in the front lawn, the grass is going to appreciate it. You’re really doing us all a favor by managing the snow and not putting it back in the street because we may or may not be back again to plow that.”

And because of winter weather’s late comeback, local hardware stores have been keeping busy. Peter Cole, store manager at Barrows Hardware, said most people came by to pick up rock salt. 

“We’re weather driven in the winter," Cole said. "Spring is our big season, but if there’s a change in the weather, and it could be a change in the better, change for the worse, but as long the weather is changing we’re busy.”