WORCESTER, Mass. - Changes are coming to POW! WOW! Worcester. Not only will the mural festival have a new name, but it will also have a new concept.

POW! WOW! Worldwide is going through a re-brand. Each city involved in the festival will now be followed by the word walls, so in Worcester it will be Worcester Walls.

Co-Founder and director Jessica Walsh said after producing around 200 murals, they are using this summer to take a step back to regroup.

Walsh said she isn't sure what the new model will look like, but is looking forward to the changes.

"With the pandemic, not many good things came out of the pandemic, but a reset was a good thing that came out of it for everybody,” said Walsh. “This allowed us space to stop and look. What do want to do be doing? Why did we start doing this? You start to get on autopilot sometimes and that's not necessarily good. You want to look at it with fresh ideas, get fresh eyes, get new committee members, and get new people bringing their ideas to the table so you can discuss them instead of staying in the same model and formula."

Walsh said they’ll also use this summer to figure out how to maintain the current murals and find funding for maintenance.