WORCESTER, Mass. - Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor, Kim Driscoll, was in Worcester Thursday, as the statewide campaign season heats up.

Driscoll has been the mayor of Salem since 2005 and is running against state senator Eric Lesser and state representative Tami Gouveia.

She said the goal of Thursday’s visit was to meet and listen to local voters in the Worcester area. The number one issue Driscoll said she hears about is affordable housing.

"Whether you're a young adult or older adult it's getting harder to live in the places that used to be affordable like Worcester, like Salem, like New Bedford” said Driscoll. “That's the work I think is going to be critical. These are not ideas in the abstract. I've actually worked on projects and programs. It's one thing to talk about a policy, it's another to have to implement it. I've managed a city through a rescission, through covid response and recovery. That's the type of experience we need in the state house from what I call 'the get stuff done branch of government.' No hiding, gotta make decisions that impact people every day."

The democrat elected in the September primary would be the running mate of Attorney General Maura Healey, who is the lone active democratic gubernatorial candidate.