WORCESTER, Mass. - Thousands of people are expected to be in downtown Worcester this weekend for the Massachusetts Democratic Convention.

They will hold it at the DCU Center on Friday and Saturday.

Delegates are expected to endorse candidates ahead of the September Democratic Primary.

There are several contested seats, including Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Auditor.

The Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce said regardless of politics, it’s a big deal for the DCU Center and downtown businesses.

“The hotels are booked. I think that’s a real positive and a number of venues have been booked for different candidates and people have parities and things and thank you’s for their volunteers. So a number of venues are going to be hosting some of the parties” said Chamber president and CEO Tim Murray.

“In June, after graduations are over for the colleges and universities, it’s another weekend where lots of people are coming into the city and region to some of the hotels and some of the surrounding towns are benefiting from this as well, creating economic activity and helping tell the story of Worcester and Central Mass. to thousands of individuals,” Murray added.

Delegates can attend the convention either in person or virtually starting on Friday at 5 p.m.