WORCESTER, Mass. - It was a busy day of networking and forums over at the Beechwood Hotel in Worcester on Wednesday for The Reactory Summit 2022.

The sold-out event featured over 150 professionals from the life sciences industry. They were there to engage in the exchange of ideas and talk about the latest trends in bio-manufacturing, in addition to the future of life sciences in Massachusetts.

Lieutenant Gov. Karyn Polito spoke to the participants in attendance.

“We certainly want to see the talent continue to grow here in the Commonwealth. This has been a major initiative of mine and our administration. That is the lifeblood of all the industries growing: advanced manufacturing, robotics, life sciences, anything health care related,” Polito said. “We need the talent and coming out of the pandemic, talk to any employer, that’s what they’re struggling with the most.”

The Summit also showcased the progress of The Reactory, a 46-acre bio-manufacturing park being developed by the Worcester Business Development Corporation.