Another positive sign the state is moving forward in the fight against COVID-19, there was a return to normalcy at UMass Chan Medical School for "Match Day" Friday.

It's one of the most anticipated events for soon-to-be medical school graduates.

Match Day is when they find out where they'll be starting their residency training.

After two years of pandemic modifications, students were able to celebrate together in person.

The program's 162 students matched with medical residency programs around the country.

"It's so incredible,” said Rebecca Toohey, who matched at UCLA. “I feel like we've all worked so hard the past four years and everything has culminated in this one moment and to be able to be by my classmates and celebrate alongside them and our loved ones is indescribable. We're so grateful to be able to have this experience,” Toohey said.

"Oh my God, it means everything,” said Matthew Suzor, who matched at Stony Brook Teaching Hospital. “Just being able to see everyone in person and just hug everyone is so exciting. Watching everyone the past few years, everyone was so excited during the match, but this was just another level for us,” said Suzor.

"For a young physician to have accomplished so much and then to have essentially their future housed in an envelope is really a spectacular day and every one of us in medicine remembers our match day,” said UMass Chan Medical School Chancellor Michael Collins. “Today is an extremely special day at UMass Chan Medical School” said Collins.

Thirty-six graduates will stay at UMass Chan.

In 2020, the event was held online and last year the event was held as a socially distanced drive.