WORCESTER, Mass. - With snow possible on Monday, Worcester's Department of Public Works is taking what they learned from last Friday's storm for the next storm.
The DPW had hundreds of crews out around the city last Friday despite 10% of their staff being out due to COVID-19 related issues.
For some, clean-up began at 5:30 a.m., working to clear roads, sidewalks and stairways. Commissioner Jay Fink says with the first storm of the season there's always a few kinks to work out, including new plow drivers on routes and equipment break downs. But he says overall they did a good job, but could do better and will do better next storm.
"Sort of like the second half of a football game we are going to make some adjustments," Fink said. "Come out second half next storm you are going to see a much better product."
During storms, the DPW reminds drivers to abide by the city's winter parking bans.