WORCESTER, Mass. - The winter season is right around the corner, and the city of Worcester is planning ahead for snow fall and has an incentive for plow drivers to do the same. 

DPW commissioner Jay Fink says each year they hire contractors to help plow the roads in the city. As of Monday, they had 240 snow plow drivers signed up. A full staff is around 320.

Fink says they should reach that number with the winter incentive program they offer. Each plow driver that signs up to plow snow for the city and works all winter long will receive an additional $1,000 after the season. 

“If you are signed up by December 1, you're ready to go, you show up for every storm between now and April and you receive the $1,000 incentive pay," Fink said.

You must sign up by Tuesday to be eligible. Fink says about ¾ of the snow plow drivers are private contractors.