WORCESTER, Mass. — Assumption University has celebrated the naming of its third school on campus: the D'Amour College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

When Assumption officially became a university in June 2020, changes included a restructuring into five different schools. The Liberal Arts and Sciences school was named in honor of Donald and Michele D’Amour, who are alums of the university and longtime contributors.

According to the university, the newly-named school is home to 26 majors, including their newest programs in cybersecurity and neuroscience. Majors also include studies in traditional arts, humanities, sciences and social sciences. 

"What I think it does is number one, it speaks to the centrality of the liberal arts and Catholic liberal education here at Assumption," President Francesco Cesareo said. "The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is really the heart and soul of our academic enterprise, and really all the other schools flow from that, so that's the first thing."

"Secondly, through the support of the D'Amours, it provides the resources that will allow the programs to grow and develop and give students more opportunities to delve into some of the works and the some of the experiences around the liberal arts and sciences," Cesareo added.

In 2008, the D'Amours made a $4.2 million gift to Assumption, the largest in the institution’s history. The family is known for founding the Big Y supermarket chain.