Worcester, MA - Venerini Academy in Worcester is stepping up to help people in need in a unique way.

Students from the school spent Saturday afternoon shooting free throws with the goal of raising money for Saint John's Food for the Poor. Students from different grade levels had the chance to shoot 20 free throws. One free throw made equaled a dollar being donated to the food pantry. People could also donate money to participate in Saturday's shoot out. For students, it was about serving their community and helping people less fortunate around the holidays.

"Every year, the seventh and eighth grade, and the sixth and fifth-grade girls and boys basketball teams, we go to the food pantry and help give out food to all the homeless people," said Venerini Academy seventh grader Charlie Mercier. "We just want to help out people who are homeless."

"A lot of people, they don't have a family or they can't celebrate Thanksgiving so it's just really sad because I know I celebrate Thanksgiving," said seventh grader Armeline Chavan. "So if I can give a little bit of joys during the holidays, I mean, it just makes my heart happy."

Venerini Academy is a Catholic school which educates kids preschool through eighth grade. They say this is a fundraiser they do every year. Some of the students said it was special for them as they attend St. John's Church, which is next door to the food pantry.