WORCESTER, Mass. - Students returning to the classrooms in Worcester for full-time in-person learning will be in for an adjustment.

Worcester Public Schools' manager of social emotional learning, Maura Mahoney, says this is a huge transition for students. Mahoney says the plan is to build climate and culture in each school that is welcoming, safe, supportive and having a sense of students who need more of an individual check in.

The school system hired more than a dozen adjustment counselors and psychologists bringing the total to 120 district-wide.

"Each school has an identified adjustment councilor and school psychologist. Most schools have a full-time adjustment counselor. Many have multiple," Mahoney said. "The work that will be done to identify students is that by the Office of Social Emotional Learning staff working so closely in the schools, they will have those relationships with the students and with the teachers and time to talk to the faculty about what are some things teachers should look for. But also just to hear concerns because it's going to look different for every kid."

As a way to adjust to wearing masks for the entire school day, the schools will be given mask breaks throughout the day in designated areas based on the students age and need. 

Mahoney says her advice for students and parents is to get back into a school day routine the week before classes start, to better prepare for when they return.