BECKET, Mass. - Every day, Erin Fernandes does several simple exercises, trying to build up strength as she recovers from her second stroke.

“At first, when I had the stroke, I did get better,” said Fernandes. “Two years in the hospital, I learned how to walk again. I still needed assistance with things, but I could function. And then, the second stroke, well, now I’m here.” 

What You Need To Know

  • Becket resident Erin Fernandes is recovering from two strokes
  • Fernandes is physically disabled and needs assistance with most daily tasks
  • She started a Facebook group to chronicle her recovery during the pandemic
  • The group has almost 500 members and motivates her to keep going

Fernandes has difficulty doing anything but very simple tasks on her own. It’s been five years since her second stroke, but she’s not giving up hope of becoming more independent.

“I hold no illusions that I’ll be running marathons any time,” said Fernandes. “I used to be a runner, but I’m very realistic about what my abilities are. I would just like to be able to walk into a room and function normally with my walker.”

During the pandemic, Fernandes started a Facebook group called ‘That Vegan Disabled Gal.’

She posts to the group every day, giving updates on her recovery and connecting with others in similar situations.

“I do get a lot of likes and comments,” said Fernandes. “It’s just me doing my physical therapy or me doing whatever daily activity I’m doing. It helps me.”

The group has grown to nearly 500 members, and Fernandes recently was invited to start co-hosting a podcast, called ‘An Apple a Day.’

Sharing her experiences gives her the motivation she needs to keep going in her recovery.

“They’ve told me that it really helped them, so it makes me feel good,” said Fernandes. “I feel like I’m making a difference. As minor as it is, I’m making a difference in the world. Everyone needs a purpose I guess.”