WORCESTER, Mass. - In the wake of the tragic drowning deaths of Worcester police officer Manny Familia and 14-year-old Troy Love, a city councilor is asking for safety flotation devices to be placed around Worcester’s bodies of water. 

Councilor At-Large Kate Toomey says there should also be more signage at parks about whether or not it's safe to swim in the water. 

Toomey says while people should not swim in certain places, having a rope and flotation device handy could help save lives.

"It just makes common sense that God forbid someone does go in and experiences some issues impacting their ability to get out, that we have a safety device to be able to throw to them,” Toomey said. “I just think it makes sense not to invite people to go swimming, but to say “Hey, look. This is dangerous and please don’t do this.’"

Toomey's request will go before the City Council on Tuesday.  She is also asking City Manager Ed Augustus to report on the dangerous aspects of each body of water, such as currents and deep drop offs.