WORCESTER, Mass. - Lights, camera, and...snow?

If you drove through Worcester's Colby Avenue on Friday, you may have thought it was winter. 

Crews are filming a scene for Showtime’s hit show "”Dexter,” which will run for a 10-episode limited series and premiere in October. "Dexter" ran for eight seasons on Showtime before ending in 2013. 

The show has been filming throughout Central Massachusetts. 

Worcester's Economic Development office says it's nice to see the area chosen for filming. 

"Worcester is the ideal location. We have less people and we are able with the assistance of the Worcester Police Department, we’re able to safely close the streets and it with less traffic, less people in the city," said Hector Luna, Worcester's Business Development manager. "Quite frankly, Worcester is a beautiful city."

Luna says six other film companies are looking to come to Worcester soon.