CHICOPEE, Mass. - Parents, students, and staff of Bowe Elementary School stood outside Chicopee City Hall before Wednesday evening's school committee meeting.

The group was hoping to have their voices heard, after they said there has been a lack of communication in regards to the school's reopening plan.

"We are getting no information supplied to us and when we do, it's very small and minuscule amounts," said Rebecca Gent.

Gent is a concerned parent whose daughter goes to Bowe. She said bus schedules were not given with enough notice.

The school's principal, David Drugen, met with those at the stand out to talk with them about their concerns. He said he wanted to make sure all details were finalized before sending them out.

"There were some fine details that I needed to prep and plan for, and when I was comfortable making sure all the students and staff were safe and accounted for, then I would send them," Drugen said.

Another concern parents and teachers have is about the air quality at Bowe School. It's what has caused the changes in the opening plans. Gent said although her daughter is in her final year at the elementary school, she is hoping she can be a voice for the Bowe students of the future.

"Our biggest concerns are for the health and safety of the children, not necessarily because of COVID, but we are more concerned due to the actual environment in which the schools are in right now," said Gent.

Members of the school committee and school department acknowledged these concerns and said they are working to address them moving forward.  

"Going beyond this, we have to do something with air quality and ventilation with all buildings. What several members have been trying to do is meet with the City Council beginning on February 11 to make sure air quality and ventilation is inspected every year," said School Committee Member Mary Beth Costello.

"I can tell you over the course of my tenure, there has been a tremendous amount of improvement at Bowe school to the actual facility. We look forward to being able to reopen hopefully in the near future, but only if it is safe to do so," said Drugen.