WORCESTER, Mass. - President Joe Biden announces he is moving up the deadline to make all American adults eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine by almost two weeks.

It means adults will be eligible for a vaccination by April 19, instead of the original deadline of May 1.

We recently spoke with President and CEO of UMass Memorial Health Dr. Eric Dickson about Massachusetts' plan to expand vaccine eligibility to anyone 18 and older on April 19. He says there is still a vaccine shortage, but they expect it to change in the coming weeks.

Dr. Dickson said, "We are going to open up April 19 everyone will become eligible for the vaccine that's going to create a little bit of chaos. That's going to put some stress on the system. But as we get into May and we get more and more people done, I think the problems are going to be making sure everyone gets vaccinated, instead of making sure we have the vaccine for the people who want it. That's going to be the next phase of this is trying to convince people who have held off to date that they need to get the vaccine, and they do."

Dr. Dickson says the one shot Johson & Johnson vaccine will help with quicker distribution.

Currently, people 55 and older and anyone with one qualifying medical condition are eligible for a vaccine in Massachusetts.