WORCESTER, Mass. - Polar park is bringing excitement to Worcester.
Some are ready to see professional baseball, while others are looking forward to the expected foot traffic in and around the ballpark.
District 2 City Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson says the ballpark has been a blessing for her district. Not only did it rejuvenate an old parking lot, it brought up property values around the stadium.
Councilor Mero-Carlson is happy for the businesses in her district. She says the spin-off the Worcester Red Sox claimed would happen with their move to Worcester is coming to fruition.
Mero-Carlson said, “I mean the spin-off for the businesses has been really what has helped them through this pandemic and for the property owners. A lot of property has been sold in this area and they have gotten certainly far more than they would of."
Mero-Carlson says she is happy for the Worcester businesses able to open up inside the ballpark.