WORCESTER, Mass. - The large scale COVID-19 vaccination site at Worcester State University is on its way to hitting a milestone this weekend.
By the end of this week 7,000 people will have received a COVID-19 vaccine at the Worcester State University Vaccination Site. That’s the most in one week since the clinic opened in February.
“It feels great. Our team there is incredibly energized, they're very hard working, it's long days but it's well worth it," said Carolyn Jackson, CEO Saint Vincent Hospital.
Altogether, the team at Worcester State has administered 32,000 doses.
“The sign-ups have gone quickly when we post a new clinic. The appointments are generally gone within an hour," said Jackson.
More than 6,000 volunteers are helping run this site.
“The people who are volunteering are coming away with a great sense of fulfillment that they're able to really make an impact on the pandemic," said Lisa Colombo, Executive vice Chancellor, Commonwealth Medicine.
Many of the volunteers are members of the community, while others are students and staff at Worcester State.
“We're very pleased how things have started, and I'm really proud I'm really proud that our, our campus community stood up and volunteered," said Barry Maloney, President Worcester State University.
Jackson says the clinic is hoping to get up to 10,000 doses a week soon, but it all depends on supply. Worcester State says with students planning on returning to campus in the fall the clinic will likely close sometime during the summer.