BELCHERTOWN, Mass. - It all started when Lindsey Fiero tried to book a vaccine appointment for her mom. 

"We've struggled for weeks trying to get her appointment and I found a way to work the state's website really well. And if I kept refreshing the screen, appointments would pop up,” said Fiero. 

So after taking care of her, Fiero started helping her family and friends, which snowballed into helping other people in Belchertown book their appointments. 

"I want to help and I feel because I can help, I need to,” she said. 

Fiery helped set up more than 100 appointments for people in her community, many of them- complete strangers. 

"I don't know Lindsey, I have never met her,” said Tim Barnes. 

Barnes struggled getting his 72-year-old mother a vaccine. 

"Here comes an angel out of left field and she is booking an appointment like she is taking out a pizza,” he said. 

Thanks to Fiero, Barnes’ mom is now signed up. Although she is busy working as a waitress at Uno in Springfield, Fiero seems to spend every extra second trying to help. 

"I've been on the website this week night and day,” said Fiero. “I also have two small children, so it's difficult."

She said even though it’s caused some sleepless nights, it is all worth it knowing she is making a positive impact. 

"Just hearing people tell me the relief that I have created for their family and their loved ones, and the safety they now have, is enough to have me keep going,” said Fiero. 

Barnes also said that he wouldn’t have been able to book his mom an appointment without her and he appreciates her selfless actions. 

"I'm grateful at what she is doing, and turns out she is doing this for countless elders in her community, selflessly without any expectation or anything in return. I just don't think that type of service to your community should go unnoticed,” said Barnes. 

Fiero said she has been reached by most people on her Facebook page for help and she is continuing to help book vaccine appointments, even with the new website.