LANESBOROUGH, Mass. - You never know what you're going to find when you walk through the doors of Berkshire Mantiques in Lanesborough.
"We're not just an antiques store, we're collectables, it's, you know, the neon lights. Anything that you won't find in most places, we have here," said owner Joe Prince.
Prince started collecting unique antiques years ago and finally turned his hobby into a business last March.
He said traveling for his previous job gave him a chance to build a unique collection.
"The evenings in other towns were filled, when we were staying away, with going to other antique shops. I know what I want, I know what I wanted to do different. I kind of felt like I know what needed to be different from most places," Prince said.
The store has had to close for months at a time because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but Prince said they've still been able to build a strong following.
He said they ended up having to relocate to this new location on Route 7 a couple of months ago because they outgrew their original space.
"This place has a delusion of grandeur and it also has these unbelievable heating systems and ventilation systems, the filtration system here is great, so it's just during COVID it was the right thing to do," Prince said.
But the expansion isn't over, Prince says they're working to open a small cafe next door and a drive-thru coffee window in the spring.
Prince said, "We'll be the only coffee drive-thru on the Route 7 corridor that carries something besides [Dunkin Donuts], so that's something to be proud of and we're working hard to give somebody something different."