WORCESTER, Mass. - The master planning of Worcester's Duffy Field has begun, and a city councilor is trying to unite two groups on either side of the City's plans: Those that want to save Duffy Field and keep it as a neighborhood park, and those that want to share Duffy Field with Doherty High and see the small park remodeled.
At Tuesday's City Council meeting, District 1 City Councilor Sean Rose is requesting City Manager Ed Augustus to bring both groups in on negotiations in hopes of finding some middle ground on the field's designs.
Rose is calling for a task force to be created comprised of "Save Duffy Field" residents and "Share Duffy Field" residents to help with creating the Duffy Field master plan.
Rose said,"What I think my order does is bring both sides of that equation together in hopes of finding some common ground. Maybe there are some things the residents can live with and maybe some things the people who want to renovate it can live with. Maybe there can be some compromise or not."
Last week, the DPW held a virtual public meeting on design plans for Duffy Field.
More than 200 residents joined the meeting.