WORCESTER, Mass. - “I am Worcester.” That's the message the City's Cultural Development Division is sharing this week.
Sunday marked the first day of a two-day photoshoot to collect images for the I AM WORCESTER photo project.
The campaign's goal is to showcase the diversity and unique identity of Worcester's residents.
Dozens of people showed up to elm park to have their photo taken for free.
When completed, the project will be put on display throughout the city next spring.
Organizers say they had about a hundred photos in their archives from last year and are looking to increase community engagement with the project.
Worcester Cultural Coalition Program Assistant Yaffa Fain said, “This really factors well into our culture plan. One of the goals is to encourage neighborhood participation, public art, community outreach and diversity, and engagement. So this has factored perfectly into the work we're doing in the city."
A second photoshoot will be held on Wednesday, October 28 from 12 PM to 2 PM at City Hall.
For more information, visit http://www.WorcesterMA.gov/I-Am-Worcester.