Despite the pandemic, Community Access to the Arts' annual show is on display at the Clark Museum once again this year.

"Artists with disabilities have to explore new techniques and discover their talents, and to create really, really stunning work. We have the pleasure of curating all of that work, and hanging the show at The Clark," said Margaret Keller, executive director for Community Access to the Arts.

This is the fifth year of the ‘I Am a Part of Art’ show. It runs through this weekend at The Clark, but C.A.T.A. executive director Margaret Keller says a virtual version will be on their website for the rest of the year.

"Going virtual has been really part of our story for the last seven months, so when we thought about our annual art show, we knew very early on that we wanted to provide the opportunity to see the work virtually," she said.

C.A.T.A. started holding all of their arts programs for people with disabilities virtually in April. Keller says the timing of the pandemic was very difficult, as the organization was getting ready to move into its first permanent studio space in Great Barrington.

"We were here for all of three days before the pandemic struck, so that week, that week was a little, a little difficult," said Keller.

Keller says the staff is still using the space to teach virtual classes and the artists have continued to do great work.

"They are still getting the chance to connect with each other. They’re still getting the chance to dig deep and create new work," said Keller.

There will be a virtual reception for the art show this Thursday at 4 p.m. All the information can be found by going to