Two sixteen year old girls are tackling the education gap caused by the pandemic.

Cynthia Rajeshkanna and Melissa Dai didn't want to sit back while the adults found solutions... They wanted to do their part.

They created Aptitutor, a nonprofit and free online tutoring service for students K through 12.

Apitutor tutors are also students... And run individual, online sessions in various school subjects as well as offer classes.

The Algonquin Regional High School students launched in June and say it's been very rewarding.

"With the shift to shorter, online classes, we experienced firsthand that students weren't getting the full education they needed and we really wanted to find a way to supplement that education." says Melissa 

"Tutoring, academic help, even that was not readily available. So obviously, many people may not be able to afford academic help during this time because it can get pretty expensive and obviously with the economy and country just in a state of overall turmoil, we realized that obviously this problem is huge." Cynthia adds.

The learning platform is up to about 20 tutors now with dozens of people across the country-- and an international student taking lessons.