David Oshman first opened ‘Woodstock South’ six years ago while he and his wife were living in Florida.

“Local handmade jewelry, incense, all the things that, when you recall, if you recall, or if you see images of back in the 60s, this is what was going on,” says Oshman.

When they moved north to the Berkshires last year, they brought the business with them. Oshman found the perfect spot, an old vacant building on Route 8 in Adams.

“There was ugly graffiti on the outside, the building was totally ugly and ignored. It was years since anyone had done anything with it. I didn’t see that. I saw something that could be glorious and magnificent.”

Oshman spent nine months renovating and getting the store ready. Just as they were preparing to open in March, the pandemic hit.

Oshman says he used the time to keep working on the store and preparing for the grand opening.

“I continued, I set everything up, I put stuff on the wall. I created everything as if it was a job. But it was a job with no revenue, and it was a job of creativity,” says Oshman.

The new version of ‘Woodstock South’ finally opened last month. Oshman says he hopes the store will be a source of joy and escape for the community.

“I want them to come in here, and for a short period of time, feel thrilled, feel a lightness, almost like a celebration.”