Children’s author Dan Sadlowski is delivering his books to hundreds of local families stuck inside during the coronavirus pandemic.
“I was happy to do that, so just one by one, just getting a lot, a lot of messages, which is really great.”
Sadlowski’s first book, Finding Brooklyn, is about a little girl who wants to find out what makes her special.
The Pittsfield author says he hopes the story inspires kids to be more confident.
“I think children need to believe in themselves, need to find that they all have super powers. That was the message I wanted people who doubted themselves to not doubt themselves and really just believe in themselves.”
The Universe is Rooting for You, Sadlowski’s newest book, came out last year…
He says it’s all about finding ways to connect with and appreciate nature.
“I think it’s really important for kids and adults to connect with nature, slow down, and really savor the moment and the beautiful world around us.”
Each book comes with a short lesson plan to keep kids engaged and imaginative while away from the classroom.
“For Finding Brooklyn, we do a worksheet called ‘What Makes You Super,’ so kids get to give a real scenario, or a pretend imaginary scenario, and they can have a lot of fun with anything that makes them super … and then The Universe is Rooting for You is they get a chance to write down what in the universe is actually rooting for me.”
Sadlowski says he hopes his stories can bring families together and be a source of inspiration during this difficult time.
“Uplift each other, use our imagination, and use this time to just better ourselves.”