LUDLOW - In the 24 years Lupa Zoo has been open, they’ve never faced a challenge like COVID-19.

"It will affect us very much so,” said Joan Lupa, President of Lupa Zoo. 

The 20-acre zoo was supposed to open April 4, but with new guidelines for businesses set at the federal and state level and with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control [CDC], a lot changes for the zoo and how they are expected to operate. 

"We will work with local authorities, the health department and see in the future what they will allow us to do,” said Lupa. 

Since they have to delay their opening for the season, a lot of work is required to make sure all the animals are still well fed and taken care of. 

The zoo releases staff during the winter and because of the uncertainty, they have not hired anyone right now. 

"As a family, I'm here...we pull together our forces and do the cleaning, feeding,” said Lupa. “I'm here at 7 o'clock every morning."

Even with the extra work load, the Lupa family has found ways to help surrounding police departments during this time. One way they have helped is from donating masks. 

"They do a great job for us and they have to be safe for us and be a protection for all of us,” said Lupa. 

Wally Lupa dropped off masks at Chicopee Police Department. 

"The shortage that is going around everywhere, that was a huge great gesture on his part for him to offer those to us,” said Officer Michael Wilk. 

In the meantime, although things may seem completely bananas for the staff at Lupa Zoo, they are still working hard to keep their park clean and updated, in hopes they can open their gates soon. 

"God willing, if all the virus is blown over and we are safe, people will be able to come as soon as possible,” said Lupa. 

Lupa Zoo will continue to update their website daily for anyone interested in learning more information or finding out updates from the zoo.