A tour of Worcester Technical High School highlights Massachusetts' new career technical initiative. The program includes evening programs for adults looking for skills and certification in high demand industries like HVAC and plumbing. Governor Charlie Baker, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito, and other city and state leaders toured the school.
The goal of the program is to provide more people access to career technical training as the state's vocational high schools.The administration recently submitted $15 million to launch the initiative.
Governor Baker says the initiative at Worcester Technical High School will set an example for future schools, "If we can really turbo charge this with state support for a lot of these initiatives we could see these all over the Commonwealth and they could become sort of the standard operating procedure with respect for the way these schools work. If that happens, you are talking thousands and thousands and thousands of students and adults who are going to be able to benefit from this chance to upgrade these skills and make a better living and life a better life here in Massachusetts"
Baker added, "And I think it will be a good bridge for higher education for a lot of the students because as the governor said, a lot of the jobs are requiring greater and greater technical skills. When I talked to my automotive program teachers they say a lot of the cars now have more technology in it than the first rocket ships that went to the moon."
Under the program, vocational schools will run three teaching shifts a day for students enrolled at the school. Students from area high schools who take tech classes at the school and training for adults.