SUTTON - Area fire departments are warning people of commong fire hazards this time of year as they respond to more winter-related fire calls.

The Sutton Fire Department says to be careful with frozen pipes, space heaters and other heat sources. 

Space heaters should be placed at least three feet from anything flammable and plugged directly into outlets or heavy duty extension cords. 

The department says to never use an open flame to try to dethaw frozen pipes. Instead, use a heated blanket, towel, or an electric hairdryer. 

They've been getting calls related to boilers, furnaces, and fuel-burning appliances. 

Sutton Fire District Chief Jake Nunnemacher said, "We've had a big uptick in carbon monoxide resulting from heating appliances. You have people that have their furnaces that have not been services and then we have a carbon monoxide incident or a build-up of smoke."

The department is urging people to test their carbon monoxide and smoke alarms monthly to make sure they're working.