WORCESTER, Mass. -- It may not look or feel like spring outside yet, but experts say that just because you don't see the pollen, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Tree pollen is a popular allergen this time of year, as most people start to feel itchy eyes and stuffy noses. 

A warm and mild winter can cause trees to pollinate sooner, creating a longer allergy season and a higher pollen count.

Dr. Rumali Medagoa at Central Mass Allergy says pollen is picked up and moved around by the ind, so leave what belongs outdoors, outside.

"Keep the windows closed, doors closed, car windows closed." Dr. Medagoda said. "Run the AC to keep the pollen out. if you're outside for a long period of time during this time of the year, change clothes and take showers at night. As far as over the counter medication, there's the antihistamines, over the counter nasal sprays and you can also do the sinus rinses at night to help." 

Dr. Medagoda says if you're getting sinus infections, if you asthma is acting up, or if your allergies make it hard to breathe or concentrate, it's tome to see a doctor.