LOS ANGELES — As part of ongoing recovery efforts for residents impacted by recent heavy storms, the city of Los Angeles Thursday will open the first of three "one-day" local assistance centers.

Each center will be a "one-stop shop" where Angelenos can ask questions and obtain information on recovery services and assistance available from government agencies and nonprofits, according to the city's Emergency Management Department.

"Our recovery began the second the storm started," Mayor Karen Bass said. "I hope Angelenos join us in getting the word out about these center so that Angelenos are aware about this important opportunity for assistance."

The locations of these centers are as following:

  • Feb. 15, noon to 8 p.m., Mid-Valley Senior Citizen Center, 8825 Kester Ave., Panorama City;
  • Feb. 16, noon to 8 p.m., South Los Angeles Sports Activity Center, 7020 S. Figueroa St.; and
  • Feb. 17, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Pan Pacific Senior Activity Center, 141 S. Gardner St.

City officials are also encouraging residents impacted by the powerful storms that occurred early February to fill out the L.A. County's damage assessment survey.

Completing this online survey will help the county collect information on estimated business or home-owner repair costs from early February storm damage.

The data will be used to determine if cumulative damages are enough to qualify our area for state- or federal-funded disaster assistance. This form does not guarantee eligibility and is not an application for assistance.

In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, the American Red Cross also helps to meet the urgent needs of those affected and focuses on providing safe shelter, food, emotional support, first aid, and health services.

The Red Cross also plays a critical role in helping families and communities recover in the weeks and months after a disaster. To help communities recover, the Red Cross often brings groups and agencies together to plan recovery activities.

Residents affected by this month's rain event and in need of Red Cross disaster assistance can visit here.