BRADENTON, Fla. — Bealls stores are a familiar sight across the Tampa Bay region.

They got their start in Bradenton in 1915, and for years, they’ve helped employees get back on their feet after life-changing storms.

What You Need To Know

  • Bealls Inc. has given money to more than 1100 associates across the country for hurricane relief from their R.M. Beall Sr. Foundation Associate Relief Fund

  • According to Bealls officials, this foundation is to help associates when a federally declared disaster takes place

  • Bealls Inc. is celebrating its 110th anniversary in April and according to the retail store, Manatee County commissioners declared March 25 to be Bealls Day

Bealls gave more than 1,100 associates across the country money after experiencing damages from last year’s hurricanes.

It is called the R.M. Beall Sr. Foundation Associate Relief Fund.

“In 2005, we had a pretty significant hurricane season and impact on our associates. And so we started the disaster relief fund that can come to the aid of associates who have experienced loss during any federally declared disasters,” Tianne Doyle, President of Bealls Inc., said.

Teri Cerri, an associate at Bealls Inc. for about four years in Bradenton, was a beneficiary of those funds.

Cerri's home in West Bradenton was impacted by Hurricane Milton.

“My home was destroyed in all honesty. Then there was a 'thump, thump, thump, thump, boom,' which was my roof coming off. And then it started raining in my house,” she said.

Each associate can send in their application for each federally declared disaster.

This time around, money ranging from $50 to $3,000 was sent out to associates.

Bealls Inc. associate Terri Cerri's home was dealt a blow by Hurricane Milton. (Courtesy: Terri Cerri)
Bealls Inc. associate Terri Cerri's home was dealt a blow by Hurricane Milton. (Courtesy: Terri Cerri)

"I mean, I was amazed," Cerri said. "I looked at my checking account one day and thought, ‘That’s not right.’ About three weeks later, I got the letter from them telling me about it.”

She was displaced for five months, so she used that money to rebuild.

“I had to have new ceilings, new walls, the whole place painted, ceilings textured. I had to replace furniture. It was rebuilding the whole place,” Cerri said.

Three weeks ago, she was able to come back home.

“It meant a lot. I was very surprised. I didn’t know they had that and such a quick response. Just, it really amazed me,” Cerri said.

As she prepares for this upcoming hurricane season, one part she can rest easy on is knowing there are people here to give her a helping hand.