CAMPBELL COUNTY, Ky. — Thousands of volunteers will pay tribute to veteran cemeteries next month for Wreaths Across America.

What You Need To Know

  • Wreaths Across America is celebrated on Dec. 19

  • Thousands in Kentucky have volunteered to clean headstones of fallen veterans

  • Local volunteers have cleaned hundreds already

In Kentucky, a group of women is spending time cleaning their headstones ahead of that ceremony. 

It started out small, said Janet Kinney. She's with the Rebecca Bryan Boone chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).

On the first day, they only cleaned five gravestones.

“They were just dark and dingy and black,” said Katie Robbins, a member.

Now, they’ve almost cleaned a hundred gravestones. 

“These are guys who died 40 years ago and might not be remembered by too many family,” Kinney said. “I'm not too sure who put up the flags, it might have been the cemetery. Different people have stopped by to say thank you for doing this while we’re working.” 

Kinney’s chapter teamed with the Mary Ingles DAR in Fort Thomas. Together they cleaned gravestones at the veterans’ section of Evergreen cemetery in Campbell County.

They spent Fridays and Saturdays during the fall months cleaning.

“We can do this without being in danger of spreading germs or taking in germs and it was something in a way to preserve these markers and to honor the people who served,” Kinney said.

Katie Robbins, 40, is one of the newest members, part of the younger generation getting involved with this cause.

“Honestly, I didn’t see myself getting involved but my aunt is, she runs the chapter, and she did a lot of research and it kinda brought our siblings together and our cousins together,” Robbins said.

They said they watched YouTube videos for instructions. 

“I have relatives that are veterans, none of ‘em here so I’d like to think that somebody was doing that for my relatives as well too,” said Beth Healy, a member.

Wreaths Across America will celebrate on December 19 to honor veterans. Kinney said their chapters will help carry the wreaths to the gravestones.