LEXINGTON, Ky. — With the transition to non-traditional instruction (NTI), a 4th-grade teacher from Garden Springs Elementary School in Lexington has been finding new and creative ways to keep his students engaged.

The method Shad Lacefield has chosen — dressing up in different costumes for his online science lessons.

“I feel like anytime that I can dress up, it is something fun and engaging, it makes that virtual experience a little bit easier, lighter and funnier for the kids as they're trying to learn,” Lacefield said. 

With three children of his own, he feels as though this is the best way to give back to his students. Using his children’s costumes, he has been able to mix up his characters. He's been Princess Poppy, Batman, and Spiderman. 

“The kids were so excited about the whole thing, me dressing up and acting like a character, that it turned into just what I'm going to do every day for every lesson.”

Lacefield feels as though this is his way to have a positive impact on his students while staying safe at home.