Expect really nice weather today with a mix of clouds/sun, and unseasonably warm temps in the 70s!  Temps today through Saturday will generally be 10-20 degrees above average.  However, tomorrow (Friday), a frontal boundary will slide into KY from the north...stalling around I-64.  It will bring a few showers to the northern half of the state, and it'll shift the winds to the north briefly. Therefore, it'll be a little cooler for the northern half of the state on Friday (low 70s)...with highs near 80 degrees South.  Saturday, a cold front will move across the state bringing evening showers and storms.  Some storms could be strong; so, stay tuned for updates.  Ahead of the front...a few 80s can be expected. 

Behind the front, it'll be cooler and WINDY.  Expect wind gusts over 35mph for Sunday wiht highs in the mid 60s. Temps will fall into the 50s by the middle of next week.