BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Another sinkhole has formed in Bowling Green, now crews have dug a 20-foot deep hole into the ground to fix it.

What You Need To Know

  • A new sinkhole has formed in Bowling Green. This time in the Briarwood neighborhood

  • The public works department is looking for the “throat of the sinkhole” so they can begin draining and repairing it

  • Crews will monitor road and say the sinkhole will be fixed in the coming weeks

The sinkhole formed in the Briarwood neighborhood.

Andy Souza, the public works director for the City of Bowling Green, said, “Anytime we have a sinkhole open up in the city, and assess whether it is dangerous to the public, in this case it is a danger.”

Construction began after they found a six-inch dip in the road. After that, they dug a 20 foot hole to find the origins.

The construction workers are digging to find what they call the “throat of the sinkhole.” Once they find it, they will completely drain the water and patch it back up.

Souza said, “Think of that of like a bathtub and wherever that plug is in your bathtub, you want to pull the plug and let it drain.”

Bowling Green is all too familiar with significant sinkholes. They had the Dishman Lane sinkhole in 2001, the Corvette Museum sinkhole in 2014, and the Cumberland Trace sinkhole just last year.

When asked why there have been so many sinkholes, Souza said, “Mammoth Cave is just up the road. We have a combination of limestone and voids that occur within the ground. So as it rains, that water seeps into the ground. So overtime, that rain can erode the limestone and cause some collapses.”

Crews will continue to monitor roads in the city to make sure everyone stays safe. The sinkhole will be fixed in the coming weeks.