BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — Gov. Andy Beshear, D-Ky., has announced $1.7 million to 16 organizations across the commonwealth to plant trees, hire foresters and increase public awareness of the benefits of urban forestry.

What You Need To Know

  • Gov. Andy Beshear Announces Nearly $1.7 Million to Aid Community Forestry Programs

  • Operation Pride in Bowling Green received almost $150,000

  • The group will not only plant trees, but use the exercise to teach students about the importance of urban forestry

Nature enthusiast Mary Margaret Villines said, “This kind of project adds to everyone’s quality of life. The trees will add to the aesthetic appeal, and will make us more comfortable where we live.”

One of those organizations slated to receive money is Operation Pride in Bowling Green.

Executive director Melanie Lawrence said, “We received nearly $150,000, the amount is $149,182.”

Operation Pride will use the money to plant 325 trees.

The trees will be on the outskirts of Bowling Green on Veteran’s Memorial Lane all the way to Power Street.

Lawrence said, “We’re gonna do a combination of flowering trees, maples and oaks, and evergreens to help shield the area from some of the prevailing winds that come off of the river.”

Not only are they making the area more green, they will also partner with other organizations to teach students about nature.

Lawrence said, “So that they can understand the benefits of trees and the proper care of trees.”

A complete list of projects and their locations around Kentucky can be found on the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet’s website.