LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Volunteers in Louisville spent several hours Friday, July 26, giving back to the community.

What You Need To Know

  • In a partnership between GE Appliances and St. Vincent de Paul in Louisville, volunteers helped freshen up a playgound at St. Vincent de Paul's Family Success Center

  • They used mulch donated by Nature’s Landscape Supply to spread on the playground. It’s a special mulch that cushions falls

  • About 30 volunteers took part in the volunteer event

  • GE Appliance will hold another large volunteer event in October called the Blue Wave

They’re beautifying a playground on the campus of St. Vincent de Paul’s Family Success Center. 

Adisa Harding was one of the volunteers getting his hands dirty to give back to the community. He’s a University of Florida student, temporarily living here in Louisville and working at a co-op. Volunteering in the community matters to him.

“Why do I want to give back? It feels good to make an impact and help people out,” Harding said.

Harding was one of about 30 volunteers giving their time and energy.

They’re using mulch donated by Nature’s Landscape Supply to spread on the playground. It’s a special mulch that cushions falls.

They’re sprucing up the playground with colorful paintings like four-square and hop-scotch. It’s a partnership between St. Vincent de Paul and GE Appliances.

 “To help people, to give the kids here who may not have the best circumstances or surroundings a nice place to play,” said Karen Edberg, a senior Design Engineer at GE Appliance Park.

All the work was to refresh the playground at the Family Success Center. There are family apartments with children on campus. The children who live here and in the neighboring community use this playground every day.

 “So great to see all of the colors and the new mulch. We are just super excited to have somebody out here doing this for us. It’s really wonderful,” explained Jennifer Clark, St. Vincent de Paul Louisville’s chief operating officer.

Jillian Irvin is volunteering too. She’s painting this concrete area for the kids with a big bright caterpillar. She said it’s an honor to be able to do this volunteer work, especially for the children.

“Just to have kind of like a creative and a fun space for them while they’re here that they can really enjoy and kind of call their own and be proud of,” Irvin shared.

She’s already looking forward to the next volunteer event. 

Edberg says a large project is coming up in early October called the Blue Wave. That’s where GE Appliances employees go out and serve on multiple projects throughout the community.